UIAMUN @ Tamagawa University
- Date January 30, 2024
Greetings UIA!
I am Afsarah Mahbub, one of three skill coaches in the MUN team. I have been given the honour of giving updates on the TJMUN we attended on January 20-21, 2024! This MUN was specifically for Beginners, so this was a great chance for people who haven’t done MUN before to see how it actually works. Truly, I am proud of every single person who attended the MUN. Seeing them nurture skills needed for MUN, try new things and learn from this experience was one I was very happy to see.
Attending as a skill coach, I was switching between the two committees (UNHRC and UNDESA) and spectating how our UIA Delegates were doing! Let’s go into the amazing work the MUN team did!
As these were beginner committees, the chairs did an excellent job explaining the terminology used in MUN and the flow of the conferences. This really helped our delegates understand the procedures and what to do during the committee sessions, gaining experience and knowledge for future MUNs.
Moreover, our students were raising moderated caucuses and unmoderated caucuses, here and there, in many of the committee sessions during both Day 1 and Day 2. They had contributed a lot to the discussions. And, in both committees, the UIA Delegates’ resolutions passed!
And last but not least, I cannot forget to mention the part where all of our UIA delegates won awards! Although there was no category for “Best Delegation” for the schools to win, this was still a great success for UIA. Without further ado, here’s to our wonderful delegates! Congratulations and good job for all the hard work over the weekend.
Best Position Papers:
UNDESA- Delegates of Republic of Korea: S. Bhaiya and J. Toji
Best Delegation:
UNDESA: Delegates of Nigeria: S. Youn and R. Irshad
Honourable mentions:
UNDESA- Delegates of Kazakhstan: M. Nassa and T. Shukla
UNHRC- Delegates of Canada: R. Mahendran and A. Sen
Verbal Commendations:
UNHRC- Delegates of USA: D. Kandel and V. Walia
While only 10 UIA students had attended for TJMUN, the next upcoming one we will be attending is JMMUN, where 5 times as many people will be attending. We have attended the Senzoku MUN 2 times before, so we can’t wait to see how this one will be! The MUN Team are looking forward to JMMUN in March!
– Afsarah Mahbub