Withdrawal Policy
Students guide for leaving UIA
Students who will be leaving UIA must notify the admissions office by completing the Withdrawal Form. UIA requires no later than 14 days prior to the desired date of withdrawal. If you didn’t receive any feedback from the admission officer regarding your request, please send an email to admissions@uia.jp.
Student Record
UIA requires at least 14 days’ notice for transcripts and /or school records.
If there are any unpaid tuition or other fees at the time of withdrawal, the full amount thereof must be paid by manual bank transfer at least seven (7) days prior to the date of withdrawal. No certificates or other documents relating to withdrawal shall be issued until full payment of tuition and other fees have been confirmed.
Refund Policy
Please read the Fee Policy document for further information.
Withdrawal Checklist
Notice of Withdrawal
Complete and submit the Notice of Withdrawal form online.
Student ID
Please return the student ID to the Homeroom teacher.
No Pending Balance
Please make sure that you have no pending balance in accounting.
Library Book
All library books need to be returned.
Make sure to clean up for the next student who will use it.
Bus Service
Admissions will inform the bus department to remove your slot.