TogetherMUN Korea 7.0
- Date December 4, 2023
The TMUN Korea 7.0 was an online debate that required the students to stay, up to 20 hours, in front of their screens, with most students not being able to see things as clearly afterwards, the MUN was definitely worth it. From UIA, we had students sign up both for the double delegation committees and the single delegation committees, which resulted in students getting a few awards from both divisions. Before the awards though, how did the MUN go forth?
Well we started our MUN with an opening ceremony, which even contained a few popular K-POP songs that a lot of delegates seemed to be vibing to. After a few speeches and introduction the ceremony ended and delegates had eight very long yet suspenseful debates that definitely had interesting solutions to different problems, and we can’t forget the occasional jokes thrown in here and there. Undoubtedly, here comes most of the students’ favourite part: socials!
In this MUN, we had different activities done, such as MUN-related bingo, the well-known gossip box and conversing with other delegates to learn more about them. Unfortunately, the MUN did come to an end, with the award session, out of the seven delegates that joined from the school, three of us were presented with the verbal commendation award. With that, congratulations to the students who both participated and secured an award!
- Ved Prem Keswani : Verbal Commendation
- Sreeya Barath : Verbal Commendation
- Anavi Amit Bongirwar : Verbal Commendation
-Sara Retharekar
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