Information on Infectious diseases

UIA International School of Tokyo (UIA) is committed to the health and safety of the children. As you know, the Coronavirus has struck Japan. We are taking this issue with utmost seriousness.
The following measures are being taken inside all school campuses.
- All students and staff (as well as other visitors to the school) will be asked to wear a mask when inside the school premises. Students will need to make sure that they bring these from home.
- Rest assured that all classrooms are being sanitized on a daily basis.
- Hand sanitizers are displayed throughout the school. Students are encouraged to use them.
- Students are also asked to wash their hands thoroughly.
- Measures are also being taken on the school buses as well. All bus drivers wear a mask, and the bus seats are disinfected once a day with alcohol spray. In addition to the measures taken at school, we would like to HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to take preventive measures at home for the health and safety of your children.
- Gargling, washing hands frequently, and being careful when coughing are effective in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Be careful around raw or undercooked food, especially meat or other animal products.
- Also, be careful in street markets where live animals or animal products are being sold.
- Do keep your house sanitized.
- Please encourage your family members to wash their hands thoroughly, especially when eating and going to the bathroom.
- Be careful when interacting with overseas visitors and avoid crowds if at all possible.
- Additionally, please do not forget to inform the school immediately if your child is diagnosed with any sickness.
If you notice any unusual symptoms, like continuous cold, cough, unusual body aches, or fever (body temperature more than 37.5°C, please make arrangements to consult a doctor immediately.
If required, consult the proper Health Authorities through your local ward offices. Please also make sure to keep children at home if they are sick.
For more details regarding the corona virus, please visit the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health