👻🎃Scary nights, scary costumes and menacing poses. The result… Halloween. Here at UIA, we celebrate with fun and games. Each classroom filled with several booths for parents and students to enjoy activities such as a haunted house, balloon dart game, …
UIA participated in the Yamathon!! What is it you ask? It’s a fundraising activity that consists of walking/running to all 30 stations on the Yamanote line! The catch, you must visit all stations within 12 hours. UIA placed 7th out …
UIA kindergarten students, with the help of secondary student volunteers, embarked on a starch escapade that involved harvesting potatoes! They learned how to excavate potatoes the proper way by digging delicately around the roots to expose and gently remove the …
🏎️🏎️ Vrooooom! Kindergartens are now driving! UIA Kindergartens attended a training track to learn how to read traffic lights and safely cross the road, whether on foot or in a vehicle. The experience was wonderful and a valuable preparation for …
University Name:The University of the Arts London-Camberwell College of ArtCourse: Foundation CourseBatch: A.Y.2022-2023 Where are you currently based, what program have you enrolled in, and at which university? Tell us more about your study program and the university. I’ve enrolled in …